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The Vice Chairman, Sri B.RAMA PRASAD is a renowned businessman of this region, with appreciable inclination towards development of technical education of high standards. His keen personal supervision and guidance in overall administrative matters ensures smooth running of the Educational System of the Institution. He particularly emphasizes the need of flawless performance of the hygienic and regular catering services and involves himself personally to ensure this essential provision for the students and other employees of the institution.

Sibo prasad mohapatra


We are going to be exposed to very fast changes in technological developments and innovations of science.The future mode of teaching and learning process is definitely going to take a new turn.JSET Polytechnic since its inception from the year 2007 is taking suitable measures to meet the dynamic changes and developments of the actual world to work. The mission of the JSET Polytechnic is continuous progress in the field of imparting quality technical education to the students.Duty, Discipline and Character are the three pillars of success. If one performs one’s duty sincerely and is well disciplined having a good moral character, the success is reserved for him and that is the motto of our institution.I whole heartedly wish all the students of this Polytechnic a bright and prosperous career.